Nokia 3310 LCD
What do you normally do with your old Nokia mobile phones? Trade them in?
Make them into fun toys!

This a Nokia 3310 b/w LCD display. Actually I do not have an old Nokia phone to remove this from... I bought this display from a ah-beng handphone shop. =)

The LCD is controlled by a PIC16F84A, using I2C. The PIC is unable to hold all the data needed for the display, so I have to store the display data in a EEPROM (24C256) where the PIC will retieve the data and dump it onto the LCD.
These are not my inventions, they were learnt from kind and generous people who are willing to share their findings:
PCD8544 Based Displays
PICC Nokia Display Routines
EEPROM to Nokia LCD - PPIC Routines
Nokia 3310 LCD Library
Cheers for open source learning!
This is something out of the blue..
Nokia Display on Parallel Port
Here is a LINK for the datasheet of the controller that comes with the LCD: PCD8544
Here is a LINK for the datasheet of the EEPROM 24C256

Pinout of the LCD display (you can ZOOM in using any friendly software to see the small wordings). Taken from LINK.
If you are thinking, what about color LCD, here they are!

Nokia Color LCD, taken from LiQuiD-MP3
How about a dynamic photo display made from color LCD as a unique gift? =)
Make them into fun toys!

This a Nokia 3310 b/w LCD display. Actually I do not have an old Nokia phone to remove this from... I bought this display from a ah-beng handphone shop. =)

The LCD is controlled by a PIC16F84A, using I2C. The PIC is unable to hold all the data needed for the display, so I have to store the display data in a EEPROM (24C256) where the PIC will retieve the data and dump it onto the LCD.
These are not my inventions, they were learnt from kind and generous people who are willing to share their findings:
PCD8544 Based Displays
PICC Nokia Display Routines
EEPROM to Nokia LCD - PPIC Routines
Nokia 3310 LCD Library
Cheers for open source learning!
This is something out of the blue..
Nokia Display on Parallel Port
Here is a LINK for the datasheet of the controller that comes with the LCD: PCD8544
Here is a LINK for the datasheet of the EEPROM 24C256

Pinout of the LCD display (you can ZOOM in using any friendly software to see the small wordings). Taken from LINK.
If you are thinking, what about color LCD, here they are!

Nokia Color LCD, taken from LiQuiD-MP3
How about a dynamic photo display made from color LCD as a unique gift? =)
wee... this so fun...
yea, it's fun. go make one!
hey, I think I was with you when you brought that LCD Display =)
Jo, you are right! see, it's working ;p
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