LCD HD44780
One of my old toy that was dug out from the dusty store...

16x2 LCD Character Module (HD44780 based) controlled by a PIC16F84A (behind the LCD) showing a man walking animation.
Here are some sites that can give you more information:
How to control a HD44780 based LCD (with code)
PIC to LCD Character Modules
Interfacing LCD to PIC
Here is a free program that allows you to display various PC status, including winAmp visualisations, on the LCD!
LINK: LCD Smartie
How about making a USB based LCD display to plug-n-play into your laptop/PC and display vital stats/currently playing MP3 titles? =p

16x2 LCD Character Module (HD44780 based) controlled by a PIC16F84A (behind the LCD) showing a man walking animation.
Here are some sites that can give you more information:
How to control a HD44780 based LCD (with code)
PIC to LCD Character Modules
Interfacing LCD to PIC
Here is a free program that allows you to display various PC status, including winAmp visualisations, on the LCD!
LINK: LCD Smartie
How about making a USB based LCD display to plug-n-play into your laptop/PC and display vital stats/currently playing MP3 titles? =p
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